Saturday, February 9, 2013

How it all started...

 For God so LOVED the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16 NIV

My whole life I had felt like something was missing. A BIG something, by the way, but, I could never quite put my finger on what or who it was. All I knew was that I was not complete. Throughout my life I had come across many people who had personal relationships with God. I was always intrigued and interested, but never knew how to ask.

Then I moved from Massachusetts to Maine, for college, and I met a wonderful friend. That friend impressed me by her unfailing, unwavering, unconditional love for Jesus. I wanted to ask her about it, but felt I couldn't conjure up the strength to do so. There even was one time we had coffee together and she shared her testimony and I guess I just didn't let it change my life like I wish I would have. (And to be completely honest -- I felt at that time in my life it wouldn't have been the "cool" thing to do-- so ridiculous to think now!) 

When that friend graduated two years before me in college we fell out of touch. She got married and started her beautiful family. BUT, God is so good, that He brought us together again. In December 2010 she invited me to dance in a Christmas show at her church. 

At this point in my life -- boy, was I a mess. I was twenty-two years old, five hours away from my family, just graduated college with no job prospects, and just felt completely worthless. During one of the rehearsals for the Christmas show I just started crying. I really don't know the exact reason, but I couldn't control it. Tears just kept flowing. Thankfully, my loving friend was there for me. She shared with me about her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that I could have Him in my life too. I knew in that moment, I needed Him more than ever. 

Ever since that day that I accepted Him into my life, it has been so CLEAR. I felt so free. I honestly feel like that BIG something that I was missing is now complete. And I am not saying that my life is not messy now, because it definitely IS and it may even be a little MORE messy. But, the one  thing I can hold onto is that I don't have to do this messy life on my own. Praise God!


  1. Crying. Adoring you. I'm so very, proud of you. So very amazed by your beautiful faith and your beautiful life in Jesus. I love you so much. Thank you so much for sharing!!!
